Practical Guide: How to Protect Your Beats with BMI

Practical Guide: How to Protect Your Beats with BMI

Introduction: Securing copyright protection is crucial for musicians to ensure fair compensation and recognition for their creative work. BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) plays a central role in this protection by providing composers, authors, and publishers with a platform to register and defend their musical works. In this guide, we’ll explore the key steps to effectively protect your music with BMI.

1. Join BMI

The first step in safeguarding your music with BMI is to become a member of the organization. If you’re not already a member, visit the BMI website and follow the membership process by providing information about yourself as a music creator.

2. Register Your Works

Once a BMI member, it’s crucial to register your works in their database. Use BMI’s online portal to submit details about your compositions, including titles, authors, and publishers. This allows BMI to track the usage of your works and ensure proper compensation.

3. Utilize the BMI Portal

BMI offers a user-friendly online portal for its members to manage and track their works. Through this space, you can access reports on the usage of your compositions, check information on royalties, and update details of your works.

4. Complete Performance Declaration Forms

When broadcasting or performing your music in public, ensure you fill out BMI’s performance declaration forms. These forms enable BMI to collect data on the usage of your music in various contexts, such as radio, television, live performances, and more.

5. Check for Undistributed Royalties

While BMI collects royalties on behalf of its members, there’s a possibility that payments may not reach you directly. Regularly use the online portal to check for any undistributed royalties assigned to you. BMI strives to ensure its members receive all entitled royalties.

6. Protect Your Original Recordings

While BMI primarily focuses on safeguarding the copyright of musical compositions, it’s also essential to protect your original recordings. Consider depositing your recordings with specialized organizations for more comprehensive protection.


Protecting your music with BMI is a crucial step to secure recognition and fair compensation for your creative efforts. By following these steps, you enhance the likelihood that your music will be used in accordance with your intentions and that you receive equitable compensation. Stay engaged in the process and utilize the resources provided by BMI for optimal protection of your musical copyrights.

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